I was introduced to Korean food by one of my good friends, Laurie. She opened my mind... or rather, my stomach to the wonderfulness that is TOFU SOUP at BCD Tofu House. I also tried the KBBQ they had there, and then tried Bibimbap and other dishes. I haven't gone beyond that. But Gina and I were perusing the pictures on Yelp, and my stomach was lusting for all the dishes shown fromo Ham Ji Park. We decided to go there and try their Pork Shoulder Soup. And YES, IT WAS AWESOME.
The meat was very tender. And the soup is GREAT! The meat easily falls off the bone, and those potatoes are super delicious! It was reminiscent to curry of some sort. I don't even know what else to say about it, other than YOU SHOULD GO OUT AND TRY IT NOW.
So of course, this dinner was followed by a super food coma. Not only do we get the side dishes, rice, and pork shoulder soup... we also ordered a plate of KBBQ. Big eyes, much? Yes, we were starving and yes, we overdid the ordering. But our stomachs were quite fulfilled.
Take note. Food is the way to my heart. <3
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