At the beginning of this long weekend, I said to myself, "I will not eat a lot. I will control myself." I should know by now... that I should never say that. Cause what happens? The following:

Cupcake Truffle @
Yummy's Cupcakes in Burbank, CA. Close to heaven in your mouth... if you are into chocolate and nuts... Yum, indeed!

Peanut Butter Cupcake @ Yummy's Cupcakes in Burbank, CA. The best part of this cupcake is the middle: peanut butter. The frosting is too sweet for my tastes, but the inside makes up.

Potato ball & cappuccino blend, (strawberry-mango shake was not mine, but I tasted, and it is good!) @
Porto's in Burbank, CA. Potato ball never fails. Cappuccino blend is good, but might be too much sweet after a while... Or perhaps it's my cupcake craze above...

Guacamole, salsa, chips @
The Spot in Hermosa Beach, CA. I was incredibly hungry by the time we got here... but that guac is GOOD. Chips were OK.

Blue Plate Special @ The Spot in Hermosa Beach, CA. This place is known for their veggie patties. Above is the veggie patty with some sauce and mushrooms on top, and then broccoli and the carrots on the side. The only thing that I was not scraping off my place... is the carrots. ;)

Rice cakes @
Din Tai Fung in Arcadia, CA. It seems that I always have a strong craving for this place time-to-time. It happened again this weekend. These rice cakes are crack.

Taro dumplings @ Din Tai Fung in Arcadia, CA. These are even MORE crack than above. Better than the red bean dumplings... did I just say that? Yes, yes I did...

Lemon-Rosemary-Almond-Olive oil cake @
Village Bakery & Cafe in Atwater Village, LA, CA. This is pretty amazing. Not too sweet. Not too lemony-zest. And the perfect consistency needed for a cake...

Angel cake @ Village Bakery & Cafe in Atwater Village, LA, CA. Now... the consistency in THIS cake... is absolute perfection. Angels arrived in my mouth.... (Note: in effort to salvage your image of me being a complete fatass, I only had a couple bites of this)

Bread pudding made of Gruyere and Maple Bacon, topped with poached eggs and side of fruits @ Village Bakery & Cafe in Atwater Village, LA, CA. I was going to stick to something simple like their breakfast sandwich, then I started reading the specials chalkboard. Doomed after reading the description to this thing... I had to try it. I did not expect the bread pudding to be more like toast. But this was actually very good.

Sope @
Huarache Azteca Restaurante in Highland Park, CA. You'd think that after the brunch at Village, I'd had enough... but an hour later, you would have found me at this restaurant eating again! How could you resist... this sope was AMAZING. I haven't had anything like it before, and g'damn that pork was too tasty. You better save a couple dollars one day, and get yourself a couple of these. Amazing.
Now... All of the above was things I consumed from Friday-Sunday. I didn't even include Monday's food ventures. I don't have proof of that. And that proof is in my stomach that feels like a bowling ball. I figured I would relax this Monday, and take it easy on food. I did not. BBQ's on a nice sunny day are way too tempting to turn down. You would have found me eating:
sisig, burgers, sausage, watermelon, pies, cookies, chips, ribs, and even drank beer and a margarita.
Yes. It has been a fatass weekend, no doubt. And yeah, let's not hold my breath... cause next weekend I will be feasting on filipino food. And when my family cooks... THEY COOK.
Hope you enjoyed the fatassery. And look forward to more next week! :)